The camera moved slowly until black filled the screen and suddenly a foot appeared. It was a little out of focus but it cleared and then the camera was moving and a black mat about three inches thick came into view. The screen just showed a bare wooden surface, something like the floor of a basketball court. There was no previews or introduction of any kind. He scratched his balls and tipped the open beer up again, burped, and then flicked play on the remote. 'What's it a fucking ransom demand?' he went on, slipping it into the video player and slumping back onto the sofa. 'A video for fuck's sake,' he said to himself. He picked up the post pack and ripped it open. He put down the beers on the coffee table and scratched his ass before stuffing more of the crackers into his mouth. He fished into an open box of crackers on the sideboard and stuffed a few into his mouth then collected a second beer and strolled back to the living room. He opened a beer and tipped it back, sucking in half the contents, then he burped and wiped his chin on his sleeve. He walked in through the living room and flicked on the tv, tossing the post pack onto the sofa on his way to the fridge.
John collected the post pack from the passenger seat and got out of his car, slamming the door on the end of a hard work day.